HoloSAR - An educational augmented-reality app for SAR visualization

As part of their study in the GIS Lab of ETH Zurich, our colleagues Shiyi Li, Manuel Luck and Marcel Stefko developed HoloSAR - a prototype of an augmented-reality app for the headset Microsoft Hololens, with aim to better visualize and explain the principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).

by Marcel Stefko

The application allows demonstration of basic principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), including visualization of signal processing steps necessary for generation of so-called single-look complex (SLC) images, as well as various geometric effects present in SAR acquisitions. All elements of the simulation environment are made user-interactable, made possible by the fact that the app is running a full-fledged SAR acquisition simulation within the Unity Engine environment, which allows it to accurately portray a large number of acquisition configurations.

In future versions we are looking to implement further interactability, such as choice of mutiple signal waveforms, visualization of noise influence on data, as well as visualization of specific SAR techniques such as single-pass/repeat-pass interferometry.

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Demo of HoloSAR prototype.
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