Congratulations Dr Coscione!

Roberto Coscione has successfully defended his PhD thesis with a compelling presentation on CAR-Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) System

by Ani Renton

On September 28, 2021, Roberto Coscione has successfully presented and defended his PhD thesis with the title:
"A Car-Borne SAR System for Deformation Monitoring: Positioning and Interferometric Performance Analysis".

As the title of the thesis suggests, his work provided a solid understanding of the positioning performance achievable in different real-case acquisition scenarios with an agile mobile mapping platform, such as a car-borne system, equipped with a navigation-grade INS/GNSS positioning system additionally supported by permanent and ad-hoc GNSS reference stations. Furthermore, he presented a quantitative analysis of the radar monitoring performance in terms of interferometric coherence and phase stability by acquiring, processing, and analysing repeated SAR acquisitions of a natural areas over short and medium time spans (on the order of minutes, hours, and days). His work contributes to a better understanding of the variability range and the impact of local weather changes on the interferometric signal for different land cover types mapped from a car-borne SAR system, which is of importance in the context of deformation mapping

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